Argentina are out!

I have to hand it to the German team, they are getting stronger, and their young subs look like a force to be reckoned with in the future, maybe even this world cup…..and just think if England can see off Portugal and Brazil (stranger things have happened) then it could be E Vs G in the final.

The Argentines seemed to under-estimate the Gs and over-estimate their own abilities. That seems to have been their downfall as far as I can see.

Time to avenge the loss to Portugal two years ago…….. we can do it!!

Entry for 30 June 2006

I had a spectacularly visual episode of migraine a few months ago. I was tripped out for 8 days continuously, florid hallucinations, toward the end my sanity was severely tested. I had flashbacks for a further 5 weeks.

It has compelled me to try my hand at painting. Here is a website which describes this neurological event, and the  artwork ‘inspired’ by it,

Migraine Art Website

This is it

Too many parallels, time to perpendiculate

23 June 2006: Mackeral

A mackeral sky looks a possibility tonight, there are a few lower lying lumpers about, not sure on their real names, but high up there is that broken sky which with luck will scorch red as the sun dips……. fingers crossed… camera at the ready.

Oh well, it didnt happen, aint that just the way…… the lumpers gathered together to blot out the mackeral….well sort of…..

Learning to paint

I had this idea that maybe I could learn to paint with watercolour. So my partner bought me a few watercolour paints, brushes and paper.

Whoa! the paper is nice. Quite thick but has a wonderful texture to it. Apparently it’s ideal for beginners, NOT it’s called. I didn’t realise though that paper under a certain weight has to be pre-stretched, otherwise when it is painted on, or given a good colour wash, when it dries it will ‘cockle’. The  paper I have is just a little too light and therefore needs pre-stretching, ie get it thoroughly wet and then peg it or staple it out. As it dries it shrinks and the paper stretches, and when then painted on will not ‘cockle’ on drying.

So I’ve had the paints 2 weeks and have only tried one painting. I need to stretch several pieces so that I can experiment. Is there such a thing as a paper stretching frame I wonder?

A dynamic atmosphere today

This is the best afternoon for a few days, there is such a good breeze blowing, I can almost smell the sea. It is also quite bright and the sky is opening up….

I cant work in the garden so easily these days, so we have been fixing some half baskets to the walls. Small hanging gerdens. Perenials are going in to the borders.

Not today ty – Nutty Rant

Work Visit or Lack of it
My visit to UWE (uni of West of Eng) will have to wait, my lift has vapourised. Although it’s only 3 miles away, there are no direct buses from here.

I was an electronics tech for the Engineering department at UWE, which is now the CEMS faculty, which I think stands for Computing, Eng, maths, Science…….not sure on the science, but I cant think what else it would be. I’m surprised they didn’t use N for engineering…Image
I have thought about studying P/t again, but although I was half way through a degree last time, that was a long time ago, so I would have to start again. Also, what to do? In some ways it seems daft to go over old ground. I think I will just have to suck it and see…

Health Matters – Doh! How Boring, and self-obsessive!

Tektin3 – Its a protein, and is a structural part of the dynein ‘motor’ of cilia – and other microtubules – ie the tails of sperm………Hmm well I seemed to have no problem there……3 kids and quick conception, so I seem to have enough sperm with good outboards on them. Or at least I used to have good……snip snip!!
So what gives eh! …..Image Tektins (1,2,3s)  also crop up elsewhere, cilia of the lungs, and cilia to help move the spinal fluid about….Oh yeah not to forget other Hair Cells, ear maybe?…Hmmm maybe need other factors to cause a problem, ie other genetic dooflangles…….over 40 genes are in the section of deleted chromo17 that defines HNPP……only a few are known….most are supposed to be ‘pseudo’ genes (does that actually mean they are inactive?? )  So how come only PMP22 causes those with HNPP problems….Even restricting PMP22 to the peripheral nervous system requires several assumptions to be made, ie it crops up in many other tissues.  Hmmm…..then there’s the environmental effect……it’s no wonder this disease has so much variability…

Maybe GELFS are the answer (genetically engineered lifeforms – as in Red Dwarf)…..nanotech, …….. OMGosh !! Here Mutie Mutie!   “Zap! Zap! Wham wham”

England through to next stage.

Well England are through to the next stage, Image  though I think they willl beat their next opponents, or at least should do, Ecuador cannot be underestimated, it could easily become another ‘egg on face’ moment… Image

well it’s late, so should really call this day to an end…….ah hello bed……. Image

Tomorrow, maybe a day to visit my ex-work mates  Image , they should be winding down a bit before the summer hol, ……… I still think I’ll do the painting course though……now sorry to jump about like this………I thought maybe I could try studying again, small bites first to see how it goes…….engineeering was my old academic past-time …… maybe …… maybe I should say hello bed…..

well at least they’re through to the next round!! Image