Maisie on the Grass

Maisie at home in the grass

Maisie at home in the grass

Maisie doesn’t get around very much, she’s a stay-at-home cat. Still as floppy as ever, and generally a very chilled out cat.

Our pond is changing shape, form all the growth around it pushing the sides in. It was rather small when we bought it, but it is getting smaller by the year.

The phalaris arundinacea picta is flowering!! Well part of it is, the part that was divided off and put into a bucket for disposal. Somehow that didn’t happen and now it’s flowering.

Phalaris Picta in flower

Phalaris Picta in flower

Poppies look as if they will flower in the next few days. Irish Velvet and peony mixed double flowers… reds, purples, whites and whatever else decides to appear.